8 tricks and methods that keep you ORGANIZED as an ENTREPRENEUR, no matter what.
We believe that: Often the tasks and environment in which an entrepreneur works can seem quite chaotic. Some it stimulates, others it annoys, but to really succeed it's important to make sense of the chaos.

We believe that: Often the tasks and environment in which an entrepreneur works can seem quite chaotic. Some it stimulates, others it annoys, but to really succeed it's important to make sense of the chaos.
Here are 8 METHODS we can use to bring order to chaos even if it is inevitable!
- Highly organized entrepreneurs review their goals every day.
Entrepreneur's goals are like guiding lights.
Every successful entrepreneur has goals, and the most successful entrepreneurs review their goals frequently.
Focusing on goals allows you to see through the chaos. It can reveal to you what is important, what is to do, and what is a waste of time.
- Super organized entrepreneurs group their tasks.
Collecting all similar tasks for the day (or week) and accomplishing them in the same time window.
Email: sit down and do everything at once.
Writing articles: complete it in one morning.
Writing the business plan: take an afternoon and write it.
Darren Rowse discovered this process in 2008. He explained:
My week was a mix of activities. I was running from one task to another and didn't seem to get any results. I felt like I was in a ¨traffic jam¨ with tasks coming from all directions. After learning to group them, he reports that he became "10 times more productive".
Grouping tasks can eliminate disorganisation in one fell swoop.
- Work on the one thing that will move the business forward.
For most entrepreneurs, there's one thing on their mind that you know you should be doing. You recognize its importance and even realize that it has the potential to change your business and move things forward. The problem? You feel too disorganized to do it.
A simple way to introduce organization into your life is just to do it. Every day when you wake up, resolve to do at least one task that will move your business forward.
This will organize your thinking and priorities. It will provide a clear and coherent vision for the success of your business.
- Schedule everything.
Yes, I mean schedule everything from tomorrow's to-do list to what you have planned for next week. Sounds excessive. But when you're working on your own, you need to have a deep structure so you can stay focused and productive.
For starters, you need to book all your daily activities into your calendar - this includes both personal and professional tasks. Then plan how long each task will take so you can create blocks of time. Make sure you use the productive time block in between. For example, during the 30 minutes between meetings, you can clear your inbox, read or reflect.
- Colour code your calendar.
The online calendar is a great tool for visualising your events and schedule. But what happens when you have so many appointments that your calendar becomes chaos? Smart use of colour coding can help you optimise your calendar so you never lose sight of your events.
Instead of randomly assigning colours to different categories, try to relate them to some meaning to the events you create. Each colour should have its own meaning, for example:
GREEN -> for personal events
RED -> for all work-related tasks
ORANGE -> for creative tasks
Colours give you the chance to make your online calendar creative, create balance and differentiate all those items you have scheduled.
- Break activities down into simple problems.
"Using up your consciousness takes a lot of energy and can be avoided by simplifying your problems," writes Mario Peshev in Entrepreneur. "Excellence in time management revolves around establishing a process and breaking it down into small, automatic, easy-to-understand operations that are not resource-intensive." Entrepreneurs are known for their ability to take any "complex task and break it down into pieces, making the process easier to understand."
The same is true when organizing your calendar.
- Outsource busy work.
As an entrepreneur, you'll need to wear many hats. This can quickly become overwhelming. Certainly, there will be some tasks that only you can perform, but other tasks should be delegated to third-party vendors. For example, it will be cheaper to outsource your cleaning needs to a cleaning service than to hire your own cleaning team. By delegating more tasks to others, you'll be able to focus on tasks that will help you grow and succeed.
- Prioritise tasks
When it comes to those tasks you have to do yourself, stop multitasking. It generally takes seven minutes to get back into a productive mindset each time you switch tasks. To avoid this lag, prioritize tasks and take them one at a time. If you start with the biggest tasks first, then you can get them done by mid-afternoon, when work energy is highest. Research shows that people are most productive in the morning hours, so if you take on your biggest challenges in the early hours of the day you'll be more productive.